Headache, Facial Pain,
Whiplash, Cervical Spondylosis
Headache is really common and causes anxiety and many sick days in people. But majority of headaches are not serious and can be treated easily and controlled such that you can function normally.
Generally it is
- Not serious,
- Short, self limiting,
- Respond to simple analgesia,
- But some are more complex.
Symptoms and Causes
Paracetamol overuse induced headache
- Daily usage of paracetamol – initially for a simple headache.
- Rapidly turns into chronic usage and this itself can increase headaches.
Cluster headaches and migraines
- Difficulty functioning.
- Poor response to medications.
Diagnosis and Treatment Options
Paracetamol overuse induced headache
- Reduce use, supplement with brufen or short course of opioids under medical supervision.
- Occipital nerve blocks can be used in the short term to aid this.
Cluster headaches and migraines
- Good results with nerve blocks and dry needling (medical acupuncture)..
A common condition sustained from being involved in a flexion- extension injury commonly from a road traffic accident.
Symptoms and Causes
After the initial physical shock and muscle pain;- clients report usually 48-72 hours later- neck pain, shoulder pain and occasionally burning sensations and weakness associated with headaches.
Diagnosis and Treatment Options
The prognosis is excellent for full recovery with simple analgesia and gentle mobilisation; avoid hard collars for more than 48h.
Cervical Spondylosis
Changes in the ‘bony’ spurs can cause nerve compression and this leads to numbness and weakness. Surgery is only for symptomatic relief and not a curative procedure.
Symptoms and Causes
Age related changes in the cervical (neck) cartilage and bones.
- Neck pain and headaches with pain radiating down both shoulders and arms.
- Worse on standing , coughing or sneezing.
- Can radiate to legs.
- weakness in certain muscles – you may notice you have a hard time lifting your arm, or squeezing tightly with one of your hands.
Who is at risk?
- Age above 60y.
- Those who are very sporty and active. ( surprisingly)
- Previous ruptured discs.
- Pre-existing arthritis.
- Small fractures from osteoporosis.
- Previous neck injuries.
Diagnosis and Treatment Options